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Yoga & Cross-Training: A Holistic Approach for Enhancing Vitality, Longevity and Overall Well-Being

While yoga alone offers a plethora of benefits, supplementing it with cross-training can take your practice to new heights. In this blog, we will explore the benefits of cross-training (a term used to describe how incorporating different forms of exercises can help improve your overall well-being) and how it can help you build more strength, […]

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Understanding Advanced Yoga: Exploring Inner Awareness and Physical Abilities

What does it mean to be advanced in a yoga practice? Is it the ability to perform each asana illustrated in Iyengar’s Light on Yoga? Is it the number of years of practice? Is it a deep inner awareness that has been cultivated over time? Or is it even the significant and uplifting changes it […]

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Start Small: The Secret to Beginning a Yoga Practice

Who could have ever predicted that yoga in the 21st century would mean taking pictures of gravity-defying poses on a cliff’s edge? Or glossy, sleek studios with students clad in yoga-focused fashion trends? Look. There’s nothing inherently wrong with these things. They’re a product of humans being human in our day and age. However, that […]

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How Yoga Can Help You Have Better Sleep

Have you ever considered the profound impact your morning routine can have on your energy levels, circadian rhythm, and the overall quality of your sleep each night? I’d like to shed some light on the dos and don’ts of your morning routine. Here are five simple steps that can help you develop effective morning habits. […]

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Apana Vayu: Letting Go and Remembering Your Wholeness

The Five Pancha Vayus are a concept in yogic philosophy that represent the five movements of vital energy within the body. Each movement governs a specific aspect of the body’s physical and energetic functions, including Apana Vayu, which is the downward-moving energy responsible for the body’s natural processes of elimination and letting go. When exploring […]

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Active to Calm: Why Asana and Pranayama are Important Steps to Cultivating a Meditation Practice

Meditation helps us enter a more open space in our minds and bodies, allowing us to become more present in our day and less affected by dominating thought patterns and untrue storylines that try to disrupt us. However, letting go of continuous thoughts can be challenging. One way to help with this is to start […]

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